Logan Stephenson, the 16-year-old Tennessee boy pictured above in one of the best Facebook profile photos I’ve ever seen, may have died after drinking a concoction of racing fuel and Mountain Dew with a couple of friends. The Greenbrier PD says that they’re investigating the “unexplained death” of Logan, whose best friend was rushed to the hospital. That friend is currently in a coma.
The Greenbrier PD told WATE that they’ve received information that both boys were a part of a group who may have drank racing fuel one day before Logan’s death. These investigators say that the boys may have mixed the fuel with Mountain Dew to make it taste better.
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Our hearts go out to Logan’s friends and family, but if the reports are true than this is just another tale of boys being boys.
With the sheer amount of dumb stuff young people do when they’re surrounded by their peers, it’s a miracle that more tragedies like this don’t occur. We’re sure that most of you need two hands to count the amount of times you should have died or wound up in the hospital.