Baltimore Police Officer Arrested After Biting Man's Testicles

We all know Cinco de Mayo festivities can get a little crazy, but this one tops them all.
Michael Flaig, anĀ Anne Arundel County officer in Baltimore, MD faces second-degree assault charges after biting another man’s testicles. That’s right, someone gnawed on some other dude’s family jewels. Why you may ask? Because he was fighting with the guy over a woman. Let me tell you, the key to a woman’s heart is definitely by engaging in weird-a** behavior like this.

Do us all a favor, Michael and stay home on Cinco de Mayo next year.
Photo via wabltv

Dutch Roller Coaster Breaks, Leaves Riders Upside Down For 45 Minutes
Dutch Roller Coaster Breaks, Leaves Riders Upside Down For 45 Minutes
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