Redditor Depicts How To Weigh Marijuana Without A Scale [PHOTO]

PSA: Unless you’re a registered marijuana dispensary, selling weed is illegal m’kay?
Now that we’ve gone ahead and satisfied our lawyers, Redditor /u/addisonneikirk perfectly depicted the best way to weigh marijuana if you don’t own a scale. A dollar bill weighs a gram.
If you’re going to do this, though, make sure that the dollar and the weed are as close to the middle as possible. Read the explanation below.

I hate to be the devil’s advocate here but, I see that some of the dollar’s mass goes past the edge of the paper. The more mass you get on or above the crease, the better. Fulcrums and stuff man. Hopefully the margin of error isn’t enough to matter in this case. If you made the paper closer to a W shape, that should make it a little more accurate. I just don’t want you to come up short or vis-versa, selling too much to someone, say, if you’re splitting a pick up with a friend. In any case, I wouldn’t want you to get the short end of the stick! [source]

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