Here's The Lines for the iPhone Outside of Apple Stores Today [PICS]

Here are some pics that we can guarantee weren’t taken with an iPhone 6–because these are the shots taken of the crowds lined up outside of Apple stores late last night and early this morning, as consumers lined up to consume the latest from Apple. Some of these pics were probably taken by smug folks using Samsung, Windows Phones, and maybe even a Blackberry. Do not hate them.
You can, however, love yourself if you weren’t up early–or if you didn’t follow COED’s smart lead and swing by a local AT&T store instead, where the lines were a lot shorter, and we’re pretty sure that we didn’t sign away anything really important while getting the new phone. We probably need to check the small print.
For now, though, just check out the crowds and ponder why these people weren’t at work. Also, ponder why nobody noticed that we weren’t at work. There was still kind of a line at the store, and we got in later than usual. Damn. Maybe we’re not as invaluable as we thought…

Realistic Apple iPhone 6 Is Depressingly Realistic [VIDEO]
Realistic Apple iPhone 6 Is Depressingly Realistic [VIDEO]