Smoking - page 2

Oct 19, 2014

New App Called Nestdrop Will Deliver Marijuana Right to Your Door

Smartphones may be a pain sometimes. The carriers couldn’t carry a cold from one human being to another, let alone...

Jul 21, 2014

10 Telltale Signs You Need A New Drug Dealer

There are few relationships more special than the one between a drug dealer and their client. When done correctly, it’s...

Jun 9, 2014

Hershey's Sues Marijuana Company Over Copyright Claim [VIDEO]

We’ve had our own merry misadventures at the COED offices over creatively-packaged marijuana edibles, so maybe the people at Hershey’s...

Marijuana Vending Machines in Vancouver? Yes Please [VIDEO]

It may seem like something that’s too good to be true but it’s not–marijuana vending machines are a very real...

May 7, 2014

Finally! Pizza and Pot Are Now One!

Marijuana and pizza have been in a kind of bromance relationship for stoners because one complements the other so well....

Apr 2, 2014

Jackpot: Ohio driver finds $12,000 stash of marijuana in tire

A Cleveland woman found eight pounds of marijuana in her spare tire. Let’s just say she’s riding high…very, very high....

Mar 7, 2014

Mar 5, 2014

Marijuana Decriminalized in DC, So Remember That For Spring Break

A major victory for everyone toking up in the Nation’s capital today as Washington, DC’s city council voted to significantly...

Feb 12, 2014

A Look At Marijuana Culture In Sochi And The Winter Olympic Village

US athlete Torin Yater-Wallace tweeted out this photo of the freeskiier holding at least ten quarter pounders. Not only does...

Feb 10, 2014

Science Discovers Why Marijuana Gives You the Munchies

A neurological study might have cracked one of the greatest mysteries in marijuana toking history–specifically, the cause of The Munchies.  ...

Feb 10, 2014

Brooklyn Will "Decriminalize" Small Amounts Of Marijuana

Ken Thompson, the new Brooklyn district attorney, restated Sunday during his inaugural address that he will not prosecute low-level marijuana...

Jan 29, 2014

Hestia Tobacco: Cigarettes So Natural That They Have To Be Cigars

You can’t smoke in New York City without lighting up outside a bar–so it takes a real good tobacco to...

Jan 23, 2014

Marijuana Spam Scams Turn HIGH TIMES Mag Into Consumer Crusaders

Now that recreational marijuana is legal in two states with more parts of the country presumably working to enact similar...