University of Memphis, Sophomore

I love my college because….

I originally did not want to stay in town. I wanted to go off and get the whole college experience. BUT when I stepped on Memphis’s campus, it felt like home away from home. It might not be the biggest campus with the best football team and the best sororities among others’ ranking, but with me it ranks number one. The people are so diverse and welcoming, like a family. Everywhere you go, you see someone you know. You are much more than a number. The campus involvement opportunities are off the charts. Memphis makes you want to be involved and pushes you to be do community service in the city. Being at Memphis has given me a new love for the surrounding areas and all the city has to offer! I have met so many amazing people that I am proud to call my friends and family. Without my campus, sorority, and city, I would not be as happy and proud of who I am!

I really hate when…

people’s pants are short, like they are ready for the flood. Those things better hit the ground.

I major in…

Occupational Therapy! I wanted to pursue this because I have a love for helping people. I currently work for a family who has a daughter that is 25 and has cerebral palsy. I feed, dress her, turn her book pages, put her makeup on, and everything in between. OT gives people like her and people without disabilities a chance at having their life back, and I would be honored to do that for someone.

My hometown is awesome because…

it loves me. I live in a city with a lot of unique people. You turn the corner at every street and there is someone you have never met. The music on Beale, the night life, the service people give, the hope, Elvis, Gibson’s, believing in a football team no matter the score, and everything in between. Memphis is where I want to have a family, where I could spend the rest of my life.


At school, you can find me…

in Alpha Gamma Delta- Gamma Zeta, community service events, JDRF, and Diabetes research and awareness!

The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…

Anatomy and Physiology! It is so interesting to see how the body works and they way God took such time to be so specific in all areas of muscles, bones, and the brain.

My ideal first date would be…

honestly, it’s whatever he has planned. I would like if he dressed nice, knocked on my door instead of texting ‘here,’ flowers, shakes my dads hand and hugs my mom, walks me to the car, opens my door, nice meal or whatever he can afford, listen to music in the car on the way home, and drops me off at a reasonable time and doesn’t try to do anything, walks me to the door and gives me hug.

My favorite late night study snack is…

apples, melted peanut butter, and chocolate chips.

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

the way people look at each other and assume things. I’m not a hippy dippy type, but if everyone was a little bit more kind and smiled more, people would be happier and it would spread like wildfire.

If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…

you can’t be friends with everyone, but you can try. Do not judge people off their past or decisions just because that is not a decision you would make. Be confident in yourself and who God made you to be. There is only one you.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

I want to represent my University well to be able to give back only a smidgen of what they have given me. It would be an honor to show others what I love about Memphis and all it has to offer!