ABOUT Olivia
Pennsylvania College of Technology, Junior
I love my college because…
I had family who went here, still have family who goes here, and I love the environment. This school is definitely better than any other college because we are so hands-on in our studies and it is so much easier to learn. GO WILDCATS!
I really hate when…
people chew with their mouths open.
I major in…
Surgical Technology with a minor in Psychology. I chose this because I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy and the OR interests me so much.
My hometown is awesome because…
it’s small and we all get along (for the most part). I wouldn’t want to be from anywhere else.
My ideal first date would be…
Oh jeez… just take me for food honestly.
My favorite late night study snack is definitely…
salt and malt vinegar chips.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
visiting my family and friends.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
how people get bullied. I hate seeing it. We’re all equal; don’t belittle others.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice I would say…
“Don’t fall for petty boys and be you! No one will matter in two years other than yourself and the people you choose to surround yourself around.”
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I’m a very outgoing girl who speaks her mind, and even if I do have that resting b*tch face, I promise I’m actually a sweet person and won’t rip your head off.