Olivia Patterson

ABOUT Olivia

Kent State University, Junior

Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?

I chose kent state because of their strong Greek life and amazing nursing nursing program

What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)

I am in a sorority, delta gamma. I am also in a club called students for professional nursing.


If you had to choose one social media to use for the year, what would it be and why?

I would use instagram! Because like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?

My major is nursing! I hope to focus on pediatric nursing when I graduate.

Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?

Steve Harvey and Drew Carey who was actually the house boy for delta gamma!

What do you know now that you wish you knew as a freshman?

I wish I would have told myself to be more outgoing. I wish I would have put myself out there and met as many people as possible instead of being afraid of being judged.

Do you have a favorite sports team?

My favorite sports team is the Cleveland Indians!

Which celebrity would you invite to a dinner party at your house?

BeyoncĂ© for sure. She’s the definition of fabulous

What is your go to pre-game song?

Sex for breakfast by life of Dillon… if you don’t know look it up. You won’t be sorry.