Mycayla O'Bryan

ABOUT Mycayla

  • @mycaylaa

University of New Mexico, Junior

I love my college because…

I am from beautiful Orange County California it was always my dream to go out of state and get out of my comfort zone. New Mexico is such a hidden treasure and has endless outdoor actives, perfect weather and the most beautiful sky, sunsets, and mountains. UNM is amazing because you can get your masters within 5 years, which I am doing. I love UNM because our sports teams are amazing, tailgates are insane, and there is always something fun going on, even if it’s a Sunday night in January.

I really hate when…

people litter. I do not like it when I see people throwing trash from their cars as they drive. People throw cigarette butts, and wrappers. I live in California where all the trash washes from the streets into the ocean. I also scuba dive and I see trash interfering with the coral and sea life. This is important for our ecosystem and our survival.

I major in…

Interpersonal Communications and minor in business. I am enrolling in the 3/2 program, which will allow me to get a masters in Business Administration in 5 years. I want to go into marketing and sales. I am going to apply to be a pharmaceutical sales representative. I like the medical field and I want to sell something that makes a difference in people’s health and their quality of life.

My hometown is awesome because…

it’s Huntington Beach, Surf City USA. I love the ocean; it is so beautiful and relaxing. Growing up near the ocean, I was exposed to the many and varied ocean sports. I love sailing, boating, fishing, water skiing, surfing, swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving. I also love the weather in my home town. It’s mild and you can go outside most days and enjoy nature.


At school, you can find me…

a part of four ordinations at UNM. The first one is Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women which I.C. Sorosis was founded on April 28,1867 at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. PI Beta Phi was founded in before the word Sorority even existed. This year we are celebrating 150 years of sisterhood! I also have an executive position being the housing manager at New Mexico Alpha, which means I live in the house and handle everything between fire drills to making sure the house is full and all of the girls feel comfortable. Next, I am a part of National Honor Society (NHS), an origination across the nation based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The National Honor Society requires community service, and students must have completed 21 hours of course work at UNM leading to a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. You must have cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or better are eligible for membership as well. I am also a part of National Society of Leadership and Success (also known as Sigma Alpha Pi), a student leadership honor society founded in 2001, providing a leadership development program, speaker broadcasts, scholarships and awards. This origination has taught me great leadership qualities and how to handle difficult situations in the real wold. The last activity I am involved in at UNM is Large Coed Cheerleading team. This is my third year on the cheer team; I have cheered at every home football game as well as traveling with football to different games across the U.S. Being a part of the UNM cheer team is much more than just cheering at football games, we also cheer at women and men’s basketball games and volleyball games. My favorite part of being on team is competing. Every year in January we pack up our uniforms, poms, and megaphones heading to Orlando, Florida heading to the biggest cheer competition in the world. There we compete against the best of the best showing our pride for our school. Being part of the the UNM Cheer team is a huge time commitment, yet very rewarding. We have practice four days a week for three hours each practice, with workouts consisting of a trainer, as well as doing appearances and hundreds of community service hours. Each origination I am a part of really shows how diverse I am with Pi Beta Phi showing my social side, NHS showing my nerdy side, NSLS showing my leadership skills, and Cheerleading showing my athletic side. I love being involved on campus and really making these four years of my life the best ones yet.

My ideal first date would be…

include getting to know someone and doing something fun. It is good to find out something to do that you both enjoy. I like doing something outdoors like a bike ride, a hike, and getting something to eat to hang out and talk. An ideal first date would be the one where you find your soul mate, someone you are attracted to and have most everything in common.

My favorite late night study snack is definitely…

popcorn. It is light and easy to fix. I also like a warm snack that smells good too! Popcorn is a huge comfort food for me and I love that it takes a while to finish it all.

If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

spend them with my friends and family getting and giving all the love and happiness I can. We would go to the beach and enjoy nature. I would want to let everyone know that I love them and make sure I thanked them for being in my life.

If I could change one thing about the world, I would…

have people be eco-friendly. I would have people take care of our wonderful planet better, so it will be around for future generations. I would eliminate trash and harmful chemicals from dumping into our oceans too.

If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…

ride out your feelings; they are like waves with a beginning, middle, and an end. Accept yourself and your mistakes, learn from them, move forward, and cope.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

I love University of New Mexico, whether it be through being a Greek living on campus to walking to class and saying hi to all my friends. I’m in two national honor and leadership societies and cheer on the Lobos at every game. I want to show young students the importance of college as well as how fun you can make your experience. I want to encourage people to be well-rounded and maybe get out of your comfort zone a little. I love my school and many people haven’t heard about UNM or know much about it. I want to be that difference in promoting the school I love and hold so dearly to my heart.