Madilyn Brown

ABOUT Madilyn

  • @matttttibee

University of Cincinnati, Junior

I love my college because…

I fell in love instantly. My sister decided to go to UC two years before I did. I swore I would never go to the same college as her and thought I was dead set on UK. I visited her one time and UC ended up being the only school I applied to and I never even went on an actual tour. I couldn’t imagine my life any differently and enrolling at UC was the best decision I’ve ever made!

I major in…

Paralegal Studies and minor in Organizational Leadership with a focus on Human Resources. I eventually want to attend law school and become an attorney. I want to do this because I believe in the justice system and I especially want to be a voice for people who can’t aka children, people who can’t afford attorneys, etc. I want to help people for a living and that’s what I hope to do as a lawyer.

My hometown is awesome because…

I grew up in Sidney, Ohio. Although it is super small, it has something special about it. There’s something comforting about country roads and small ice cream shops where you run into everyone you know. I would have to say I love its charm and I love that I know every single road in Sidney.


At school, you can find me…

involved in the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Tau chapter. I am also the president of the UC Student Paralegal Association. I also wrote for the Odyssey. On top of that I volunteer at Matthew 25, the Ronald McDonald House and Save the Animals Foundation. I also have been involved in Relay for Life through Theta.

The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…

Critical Thinking. My professor was amazing and it was the class that made me realize I definitely wanted to be a lawyer. Although I took it as an elective freshman year, I still remember everything I learned.

My ideal first date would be…

anything that isn’t typical. Instead of just going to a local restaurant, I would love to do something fun and adventurous whether it be kayaking, horseback riding, or even skydiving. However, I’m not picky and if you feed me pizza or take me anywhere with animals and you’re a good guy, I’m still going to be thrilled.

My favorite late night study snack…

isn’t really a snack, it’s more of a meal but that’s okay. You can never go wrong with half buffalo chicken, half barbecue chicken pizza. It’s fantastic especially if you and your roommate are on the same late night cramming schedule.

If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

blow all of my money I had on a variety of things. Charity, skydiving, my family, and anything I hadn’t done yet.

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

that most people don’t live life to the fullest. Most people end up settling in office jobs and don’t take advantage of the talents or the passions that they have to offer to the world.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

I want to show other college girls that it’s okay to be confident and comfortable in your own skin. College is a person’s time to shine! There are so many opportunities and so many open doors. I want to show girls how great of a time college can be if you keep an open mind and let yourself grow!