Lauren Benedict

Eastern Michigan University MAC CONFERENCE

ABOUT Lauren

Eastern Michigan University, Senior

Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?

I chose EMU because it’s close to home. Because I’m so close with my family, I needed a place that not only felt like home, but allowed me to be close to my family. EMU is such a diverse community full of amazing opportunities for every type of student out there, and I am so proud to call it home.

What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)

I am a member of Delta Zeta at EMU, and it’s my favorite thing in the world. I’m currently the Public Relations chair for my chapter. I’m also a member of the Honors College, and I serve as Vice President of Internal affairs on our campus’ College Panhellenic Council. Finally, I work on campus in a graduate department called Leadership and Counseling, where I handle marketing, social media, and planning for the Interdisciplinary LEADership Minor here at EMU.


What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?

I’ll be graduating in December 2018 (hopefully) with a major in Marketing with the focus in Advertising. I’m also minoring in Interdisciplinary LEADership.

Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?

We don’t have a ton, but one of the most notable would probably be Judge Greg Mathis, the star of “Judge Mathis.” He seems like a cool guy.

Do you have a favorite sports team?

The Detroit Red Wings! Hockey is my favorite sport, I could watch hockey all day.

What is a nickname that your friends call you?

A lot of my friends (and sorority sisters) call me “Swimmy Soo” because seals are my favorite animals, and its a long story, but that’s what I call seals.

Which celebrity would you invite to a dinner party at your house?

Definitely Chris Evans. He’s the love of my life. From following him on social media for years, he seems like such a genuine guy and a great role model as well. He’s never afraid to stand up for what he believes in and I admire him for that!

What is your go to pre-game song?

Pursuit of Happiness- Kid Kudi ft. MGMT & Ratatat (Steve Aoki Remix)