ABOUT Keelie
Texas A&M University, Sophomore
I love my college because…
when I was looking at different colleges, I was so nervous. I mean, I was choosing a place to be my life for the next four years! By myself! When my mom and I parked to go to meet a tour group on the A&M campus, we had no clue where we were going. I guess we looked lost because several students at the time stopped and asked us if they could help us find anything. One young man even looked up a map of the campus and then offered to walk with us to our destination so he could show us things along the way. Everyone on the campus was so friendly and actually talked to us, whether they were saying ‘Howdy!’ or just offering help, while at other universities, many students would completely ignore us. There also was student life everywhere we looked. It looked like its own little community, and soon I found myself relaxing and actually enjoying being there. When it came time to leave, I didn’t want to go! I already felt at home. This was not something I found at any other university I visited and even found myself beginning to compare every single one to A&M.
I really hate…
gossip. Rumors do nothing but hurt other people and make the ones gossiping seem immature and petty. We aren’t in middle school anymore; there is no need for cliques or judging based on minor imperfections in one’s looks. If someone has a problem with someone else, they need to grow up and talk about it face-to-face. Don’t beat around the bush or be two-faced.
I major in…
Honors Biomedical Science with a minor in Spanish and certificate in Public Health Entomology. My goal is to become either a cardio-thoracic surgeon or a reconstructive plastic surgeon, specializing in botched surgeries.
My hometown is awesome because…
to walk the streets of such an old town makes you feel like you’ve gone back in time. While Fredericksburg isn’t exactly considered ‘small’ anymore, it still holds that small-town feel where everyone knows everyone and you feel like one big family. There is history and richness of beautiful untouched land all the way around. While I don’t live there anymore, it is where I grew up and will always call home.
At school, you can find me…
as a member of the Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Global Medical Brigades, Aggies for Animal Rescue, Collegiate 4-H, intramural volleyball and intramural battleship. I like to try everything I can as there is so much that this campus offers and so many unique opportunities in each organization.
My ideal first date would be…
I’m old fashioned, but I would love a date that was just the two of us. He would cook something fun for me but nothing too fancy, we would spend a night without touching our phones even once. A date where we could talk and be ourselves without the pressures of being in public or trying to impress one another. He might bring me flowers and sing really obnoxiously in the car, but it would be a night of laughter.
My favorite late night study snack is…
definitely Colby Jack cheese or Frosted Flakes cereal!
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
like to say that I would travel the world, but in reality, I think I would just want to spend a day at the beach with all of my extended and immediate family like one big family reunion. We used to do this when I was younger, and it was my favorite time of the year!
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
the social class system. Most of today’s problems come back to who is poor and living on the streets while someone else is forking out money like it’s endless. This has led to greed, petty judgments, violence and even illegal immigration. If everyone was one class, it may not solve every issue in the world, but it would put us all on an equal playing field.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
you can’t always make everyone happy. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you, just be yourself and learn to love who you are. People will always say petty things but you don’t have to make them true.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I have been through so much in life that most my age will be lucky enough to never even know about, but the one thing that all of that has taught me is that only you are the author of your story. Nothing can stand in your way or keep you from your dreams if you are determined. Being Miss COED 2017 would be a great example of this that will extend even beyond campus life. A&M is my home and my family; I would love to pay my school back by representing them in the best way I can through this opportunity.