ABOUT Kathleen
Arizona State University,
Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?
I chose ASU to get away from rainy Washington and to be out in the hot Arizona sun. Also because they have great academics being number one in innovation, an active and fun student life, and because it felt like home. ASU is better than the rest because you can always find something fun to do in Tempe, the teachers are dedicated to helping you succeed, and the people are so easygoing and welcoming that it makes it a chill atmosphere to live and go to school.
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
One of my favorite spots on campus is the Starbucks right next to the MU. Being from Seattle I love coffee, especially Starbucks, and the Starbucks there is fairly big with plenty of tables inside and outside so after getting a coffee you can pull up a chair and relax with friends or study.
Where’s the best on-campus food and what kind is it?
I think the best on campus food is located in the MU, the Memorial Union building. In there they have several little restaurants that you can spend your maroon and gold dollars at such as chick fil a and qdoba. I personally love qdoba, their chicken burrito bowls with queso are the best.
What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)
This past spring I pledged Alpha Gamma Delta and it was the best descion I could have ever made for myself. The girls are so sweet and Greek life is tons of fun, I would definitely recommend going Greek to incoming students.
If you had to choose one social media to use for the year, what would it be and why?
I would probably choose Instagram because I love taking pictures, not only selfies with my friends but also pictures of nature when I’m out hiking or at the beach. I also enjoy seeing other peoples cool shots so yeah I’d have to go with Instagram if I could only choose one social media to use for a year.
What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?
Currently I’m a Forensic Science major, but I’m working on switching to Forensic Psychology for next year because I’m more interested in the criminal mind as opposed to being in a lab. I’m also thinking of minoring in criminal justice along with my psychology degree.
Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?
There are quite a few famous actors and athletes that went to ASU, but one notable alumni example that is my favorite is Kate Spade. I love Kate Spade purses and accessories so I think it’s cool that she went to ASU.
Have you ever gone on Spring Break?
My last notable spring break was Disneyland 2 years ago, I love Disney and have been there several times and I don’t think I could ever get sick of going. This upcoming spring break some of my sorority sisters and I are planning to go to Mexico and I’m quite excited for that because I’ve never been! It should be a real fun time especially since I’m going with my sisters.
Would you like to study abroad? Have you?
I plan to study abroad sometime during my college career I’m just not sure when yet. I really hope to go to Europe, in particular Germany because I have family there and it would be nice to see and learn more about the roots of my family. I have also considered doing the Disney college program because I love Disney and I think it be fun and rewarding experience to work for them.
What do you know now that you wish you knew as a freshman?
Don’t bring your entire closet to college because you will really only wear half of it, plus if you go to events or join a sorority or frat, you will get a bunch more t-shirts so really only pack half your wardrobe.
Do you have a favorite sports team?
Go Sun Devils! But besides the Sun devils, I am a fan of the Seattle Seahawks.
What’s your least favorite class?
My least favorite class was probably Chemistry 113/116. I liked my professor, he was very nice and helpful but the subject itself was just so boring.
What’s your top song on Spotify right now?
Well since Taylor Swift’s music recently came back on to Spotify I’ve been listening to a bunch of her stuff again since I haven’t in forever, one of my old favorites of hers is “Our Song”.
What was your first job?
Babysitting was my first job and I job that I still do for my parents when I’m home and my they want to go out. I don’t mind though, I love my little siblings and it’s a fairly chill job.