ABOUT Jocelyn
Central Michigan University, Junior
I love my college because…
I grew up in Mt. Pleasant and really enjoyed being around the campus growing up. I had always thought that it was a nice campus and I did not mind staying here for school. I also knew that CMU had an amazing program for Communication Disorders and that has been my passion. CMU has so many opportunities and it is full of friendly and fun people. The campus is not too big yet it is not too small and it allows for people to get around very easily. I have yet to meet a boring student at Central!
I really hate when…
people are stuck up and think that they are better than everyone else. I do not think that anyone deserves to be treated any less than anyone else. I strongly dislike judgmental people. Nobody is perfect and that is just how it is!
I major in…
Communication Disorders and I hope to become a speech pathologist one day helping out kids in a school setting. I hope to be working with children of all ages in a school hopefully out of this district. I also minor in American Sign Language and hope to do interpreting along with speech pathology. I want to work with special needs children as well.
My hometown is awesome because…
I know pretty much everyone in my hometown. I grew up in Mt. Pleasant and I do not mind that I am considered a “townie.” It is nice to sometimes run into one of my old friends or my family members at events around town. My family is a big family here in Mt. Pleasant, in high school, everyone would joke that I am related to everyone here.
At school, you can find me…
involved in the ASLS organization here on campus which is sort of like a club for the American Sign Language group at CMU. I am not really involved with many clubs or sororities here on campus only because that is not really my thing. I have worked some sporting events through the CMU bookstore.
The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…
most definitely ASL, American Sign Language. I did not realize how much of a passion this was to me until I started taking the classes. As soon as I took the first class I knew that it was something that I wanted to do in the future. I love the ASL culture and the concept of talking to someone without speaking and just using your hands.
My ideal first date would be…
definitely something fun and outgoing. I am a very outgoing person and I love to do spontaneous things! I think an ideal first date would be going to a concert or even trying out a new restaurant neither of you have been to before. I love to have fun and I do love food. Maybe even a Tigers game or something spontaneous and sneak into a pool!
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
spend them traveling to as many places as possible doing as many crazy things as possible. Getting new tattoos, sky diving, etc. As many possible spontaneous things I could fit into 24 hours.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
the hate. The hate for cops, the hate for race, the hate for gays, and the hate for people in general. I refuse to hate. I think that this world has become a horrible place and it may be hard to fix but it is fixable if people would really try. I just wish that one day we will stop hearing about how humans are killing other humans.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I want to represent Central Michigan University in a positive way. I want people to look up to me as a role model and as someone who is here to be a leader. I think that I could have a positive impact on CMU’s campus and I would love to help people. I am a people person and love to interact with other people. Miss COED 2017 would give me the opportunity to get out there and make a difference on Central Michigan University’s campus!