Ericka McCallum

ABOUT Ericka

University of North Texas, Junior

Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?

I chose UNT because it is absolutely the most amazing and diverse and creative school. I actually didn’t know all of that when i applied but as i’ve gone to school there i have learned so much about the university and i genuinely believe we have the best campus and school atmosphere around.

What is the best on-campus food?

Chick-Fil-A of course. That’s self explanatory, i mean come on. It’s chick-fil-a !!!!

What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)

i am in a sorority on campus, i am an Alpha phi


What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?

I am minoring in business marketing and majoring in dental hygiene.

Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?

I do not think we have a recent famous graduate. i will have to do some research to find out, that would be something very interesting to know!!!!

Do you have a favorite sports team?

I absolutely love the Dallas Cowboys!

What is a nickname that your friends call you?

Schmericka is what my family calls me sometimes and i’ve been called erk lol

Which celebrity would you invite to a dinner party at your house?

Zac efron-boy or Kylie Jenner- girl

What is your go to pre-game song?

buy you a drank T-Pain