Colorado State University, Freshman
I love my college because…
the campus is beautiful and all the people seemed really laid back. It’s better then the rest because at CSU, anyone can find their place and make it their home!
I really hate…
noisy eaters. I’m pretty easy going about most things, but I cannot handle people who chew loudly.
I major in…
Journalism with a minor in Sports Production. I would like to use my degree to become a sports journalist.
My hometown is awesome because…
it’s big with a small-town feeling. I grew up there my whole life, and I have nothing but positive happy memories from it. I love everything about my hometown.
At school, you can find me…
currently working at the campus rec center so I’m involved with anything through that. I’m also a part of the ski/snowboard club, and next semester, I’m going to rush and hopefully join a sorority!
The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…
PSY 100. I love learning about people and what makes us the way we are!
My ideal first date would be…
anything low key but romantic. I would want to see that the guy had put in a lot of thought into it, but I wouldn’t want it to be super fancy or extravagant.
My favorite late night study snack is…
anything salty. Whenever I’m pulling an all night study sesh, the first thing I grab is, unfortunately, a bag of Cheetos.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
spend it doing anything and everything with the ones I love. What I would do wouldn’t matter nearly as much as who I was with.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
the negativity within it. Most people struggle finding the good in things. I believe that no matter what is going on, there is something good to be found within anything. I want people to start seeing the glass half full, rather than seeing it half empty.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
to not to worry about pointless things. I would tell myself to just go out and have fun. It’s truly the last time in your life that you have very little responsibility and stress, so don’t waste it worrying about things that don’t truly matter.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I believe I give a different representation of the ‘typical college girl.’ I can get along with every type of person and I’m very versatile within my interests. I’ve always been seen as a very laid back go-with-the-flow person, and I think within the stressful college environment that is becoming hard to find.