ABOUT Emilee
Colorado State University, Freshman
I love my college because…
the people here are so genuine. This campus gives off such a good vibe and is so beautiful. It really feels like home.
I really hate when…
people eat or chew with their mouth open.
I major in…
Human Development and Family Studies. With this, I hope to become an Occupational Therapist.
At school, you can find me…
in Zeta Tau Alpha.
My ideal first date would be…
something simple like ice cream and a walk or dinner and a movie. Sometimes the simple things mean more.
My favorite late night study snack is…
ramen or cereal.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
less violence.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
don’t care what other people think of you. Do what you want and what makes YOU happy.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I would love to represent my school and be a role model for other female college students.