Ciarra Berrier

ABOUT Ciarra

CSU Fort Collins, Sophomore

Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?

I choose CSU Fort Collins to spend the next four years of my life because it is far away enough for me to be independent and my own person but close enough to visit my family without any troubles. CSU is better than the rest because everyone here is so kind and all the students want to help each other succeed. We know college is tough and we know that life can get bumpy but everyone here, including the staff is an email a way from helping you get where you need to be.(:

What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)

Besides going to class, getting my daily exercise, and a few study groups, I do some volunteering outside of campus. I volunteer at All Aboard Adoption for rescue dogs. The event is at PetCo off of College every Saturday from 11am-2pm. Please check it out if you are looking for a lovely dog companion!:)


If you had to choose one social media to use for the year, what would it be and why?

I absolutely love twitter! Twitter is great for connecting with friends as well as getting insight on series issues around the nation and the world. I definitely do not only rely on twitter for my political information, but I have read lots of opinions and views from people around the nation.

What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?

I am currently majoring in biology.

What do you know now that you wish you knew as a freshman?

I wish I knew that study groups were way more important than they seemed and that outside of class hours need to be taken seriously!

What is a nickname that your friends call you?

A lot of my friends just call me C. A few of my closer friends will call me Sea Bee or CB.(: