ABOUT Brianna

Niagara University, Junior

I love my college because…

it was one of the very few schools near me that offered an ASL minor. Sign language is an amazing tool, and I love being able to help out those in the deaf community. They are an amazing group of people, and I am planning on devoting the rest of my life to helping them live an easier life.

I really hate…

hearing people chew.

I major in…

Criminal Justice and minor in ASL and Deaf Studies. I thought I wanted one be in the FBI behavioral analysis unit until I got into this Deaf Culture class this semester. I am thinking about switching my major to Audiology and going to grad school to get my PhD.

My hometown of is awesome because…

I love my Buffalo sports.


At school, you can find me…

as part of the Niagara University Danceline. Prior to this, I have danced for 18 years at Kiptom Dance Center and also taught children dance there. I was in all of our school’s musicals and plays.

The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…

Deaf Culture.

My ideal first date would be…

going to the beach for dinner on a blanket, watching the sunset, and just talking and getting to know each other.

My favorite late night study snack is…

fruit. I would choose fruit over any junk food.

If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

first make everything right with the ones I love in case I was fighting with a family member or friend; I would want them to know how much I love them. Then I would spend the rest of my time volunteering and helping as many people/animals as I could.

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

how humans are viewed compared to animals. I have always loved animals and humans have become the dominant species. I wish that in order for us to live, it didn’t mean torturing animals, killing for food, sport, experiments for medicines, etc. I wish that we could live a life and appreciate everything God has given us and not take advantage of it.

If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…

focus on school, that love stuff comes later.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

I think I am a great candidate. I love my school, and I’m so dedicated to everything I do. I try my best to wake up everyday and make this world a better place. I just want to make a difference; after all, that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?

Wildcard East