University of Alabama at Birmingham, Senior
Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?
I choose UAB because of it’s diverse makeup of students. People from all walks of lives, countries, and ages attend UAB and I personally think it’s an amazing characteristic. There is never a dull moment with so many different colors that make UAB beautiful and all in the heart of Birmingham, AL. Our medicine, dentistry, and optometry schools are all top of line
What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)
I am currently involved in the Global Health Interest Club, Birmingham’s RESULTS chapter, and also the Pre-Dental Student Society. All of which pertain to major in Public Health as well as my pre-professional indicator, Dentistry.
What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?
My major is Public Health with a concentration in Global Health and a minor in Nutritional Sciences. My pre-proffesional indicator is Dentistry. (Try saying that 5 times fast, it’s a mouth full)
Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?
Hmmmmmm, I would definitely have to say country music star Sam Hunt, former NFL superstar Roddy White who played for the Falcons and current NFL footballer for the Steelers Chris Hubbard (shout out).
What do you know now that you wish you knew as a freshman?
I wish I knew how important it was to find your balance in terms of work, school, and a social life. There is definitely a balance but it takes practice and some sacrifices to find what will work best for you and benefit your future the most.
Do you have a favorite sports team?
I’m low-key a bandwagon fan but I love me some Golden State Warriors basketball or some OKC because I just love Russell Westbrook so much #WhyNot? As far as football I’m definitely a Chicago Bears girl.
What is a nickname that your friends call you?
Which celebrity would you invite to a dinner party at your house?
Maybe Drake because I feel like he would make the party hype or even Diplo because he can put on a show (I’ve seen him play with Major Lazer three times and each set was better than the next). Hmmmmm. I’m going to go with Kanye just because I want to meet him and I heard in an Aziz Ansari stand up special that he likes to jam out to his own music (which I’m a big fan of).
What is your go to pre-game song?
Pop That by French Montanna will always be my go to no. matter. what.