Ashley Smith

ABOUT Ashley

  • anicolesmith12

Appalachian State University, Junior

I love my college because…

coming from a community college, I knew very few people and I knew Appalachian State would feel like a home to me. Both my dad and uncle went to Appalachian, so this is where I knew I would continue my education without a doubt.

I really hate…

being told that I’m not capable of achieving my goals. It hurts when someone doubts my drive to get things done, but when I do get things done, it’s such an ‘in your face’ moment for me.

I major in…

Electronic Media/Broadcasting with a minor in Marketing. I want to to work for ESPN or any major sports network. Working for a major network like ESPN has been my dream since I would play sports, so covering my favorite teams would be a dream come true.

My hometown is awesome because…

my little town is so welcoming. No matter where people are in life, I’ve seen the same group always come back and reconnect with each other. Also being an alumni of a well-rounded sports high school isn’t too bad either.


At school, you can find me…

working for The Appalachian which is our student newspaper and the Student Yosef Club, which is a stepping stone into the Yosef club which is our alumni club.

My ideal first date would be…

anything with sports; that is the way to my heart. I would rather sit at a baseball or football game than at a dinner table and be expected to sit still.

The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…

Journalism because it made me go out of my comfort zone. Even though I took yearbook in high school, this class made me sit down and get real answers about topics that were popular during the time of the class.

My favorite late night study snack is…

an Oreo milkshake from Cookout.

If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

like to be at the beach with my friends and family. My granny spent one of her last weeks before being placed in hospice with cancer at the beach. My love for the ocean and it’s calmness came straight from here and I couldn’t image being anywhere else.

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

the amount of technology we use. We’re a digital age, but there’s no need for the excess amount. Texting while driving (or using any social media) is really a danger to everyone around you, including yourself. There’s a time and place for texting and using social media, but being behind the wheel is not one of them.

If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…

don’t spend time trying to impress people who are temporary. Since college, I have gained an attitude that has given me the self-confidence that I should’ve had during high school.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

this would give me an opportunity to meet new people and talk with other girls about their goals in life!

Sun Belt