Old Dominion University, Sophomore
Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?
I chose ODU because it’s so close to my home and the beach!
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
Definitely Chick-Fil-A…
What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)
I’m in Alpha Phi as Director of Target Membership Marketing
If you had to choose one social media to use for the year, what would it be and why?
Instagram, I love to post photos and see what everyone else is up to.
Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?
The host from cash cab…
Have you ever gone on Spring Break?
Yes, this past year I went to West Palm Beach Florida to visit my boyfriend at school!
Do you have a favorite sports team?
Dallas Cowboys, because I was raised there.