ABOUT Alexandra
Colorado State University, Freshman
I love my college because…
I wanted to stay close to my family, but also because Fort Collins is THE most beautiful place to be in my opinion. There is just so much to do! The community here is amazing and I have made so many new friends. CSU is definitely the best place for me; it’s not too big and it’s not too small- it’s perfect.
I really hate when…
people put others down for no reason.
I major in…
Biochemistry, and I want to become a pharmacist and get into drug development to create new medicines that might be more useful to people with common disorders, etc.
My hometown of Aurora is awesome because…
of the Cherry Creek and Aurora reservoirs. Of course they aren’t like any boardwalk in California, but I have made so many fun memories there with my parents, my Tía, cousins, 2 siblings, and my best friends.
At school, you can find me…
getting involved with a religious group on campus, and I also hope to find a club based of literature or poetry and art because I love to write poems and draw.
The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…
LIFE 102, which is like an intro to biology. It’s my favorite because it is a very challenging class and I like to take notes and we take so many. I know that’s a weird reason, but LIFE 102 is also super interesting!
My ideal first date would be…
picking out a movie together and watching it at home. Just getting to cuddle with that person in a comfortable place where there’s no pressure is the best. And the light from the TV makes the mood really romantic (if that’s the only light on). This was me and my boyfriend’s first date and it was one of the best nights of my life.
My favorite late night study snack is…
cereal, usually Froot Loops (I usually have a box in my dorm room). It just tricks my brain into thinking it’s early in the day, so I can stay up longer to complete what I have procrastinated.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
fly me and my loved ones to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and live it up in the night and then take a 4 hour nap. The next day, I would go snorkeling and swim with dolphins. I’d even do something daring like cliff dive which normally would really scare me. I’d also want to get to hold an exotic animal because they are all so beautiful.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
the amount of sickness and disease that tears families and loved ones apart and doesn’t give young children the chance to live.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
not to rush through the years and go to all the school events and get more involved.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I think it would be an amazing opportunity and awesome to put on my resume. I also want to be Miss COED 2017 because I want to experience new things and new feelings. I’m so thankful for the opportunity! Whatever happens, this is an amazing experience that has helped boost my self-confidence!