ABOUT Adrianna
University of North Texas, Freshman
I love my college because…
it has all three of the major components that I was looking for in a school: Pre-Med, theatre, and cheerleading. So far, attending this school has been incredible! My dorm life has been engaging and my dorm itself is super nice, classes have been challenging, but not overwhelming, and campus is always popping with some sort of free student activity. UNT is overall an amazing school and also doesn’t completely empty your pockets.
I really hate when…
people are constantly dramatic, always fishing for a “whats wrong?” or a pity party of some sort.
I major in…
Pre-med and Theatre, because my biggest dream/goal is to be on Broadway. I love singing, dancing, acting, the whole nine yards. Medicine is my backup, so in case I don’t make it, I have a solid degree to fall back on.
My hometown is awesome because…
of one of my favorite things, Allen High School Football, as it is the biggest and one of the most well-known programs in Texas. Every Friday night in the fall, the entire city makes its way to our $60 million football stadium to watch some of the best high school football in the nation. Every game is so exciting to watch, and it’s also awesome to see an entire city back a sport, there is so much spirit. It’s a very small town feel without being a small town.
At school, you can find me…
cheering competitively for UNT and outside of school. I also am involved in the theatre department and work in the scene shop, as well as auditioning to act in upcoming shows.
My ideal first date would be…
something out of a movie. He comes to pick me up and comes up to the door with flowers, tells me I look gorgeous, and we go out to a nice dinner. After, we change into other clothes and go for a dessert picnic by the beach or something along those lines. If money isn’t an option, maybe we go back to a beach house and just fall asleep listening to the waves crash against the shore, and then wake up the next morning and make breakfast and go surfing!
My favorite late night study snack is…
raspberries, but i usually end up eating chocolate of some sort because I’m awake late and usually just eating to eat.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
not change a thing. A friend once told me, “If you were going to die tonight, and weren’t happy doing what you’re doing, then why do it?” Since then, I’ve tried to live to make myself happy every day. Honestly, I would do what I do everyday: Wake up, shower, get ready, go to my classes until noon, eat lunch with friends, drive to the cheerleading gym, and coach cheerleading, because that’s what I love to do. Maybe the one thing that would change would be that I wouldn’t do my homework.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
the amount of drama and pettiness that people engage in and come out screwed in some way. I’m always so busy that a lot of times I just don’t have TIME for drama, so it’s frustrating to see other people hurting themselves because of it.
I’m going to be MISS COED 2017 because…
I believe that I am pretty real for being a girl. I’ve learned a lot in the past 18 years and I am very good at gauging situations in importance. I think I represent my college, my gym, and myself well and it would be amazing to be crowned this title.