ABOUT Abigail

  • @ab_rubemeyerr

George Mason University, Senior

I love my college because…

of its location and the many opportunities it has to offer. When applying to college I always knew I wanted to go out of state and when I stepped onto Mason’s beautiful campus, I knew it was where I belonged.

I really hate…

bad drivers and Northern Virginia traffic.

I major in…

Marketing! I started my own company this summer in real estate investing, so I hope to pursue that full-time after graduation.

My hometown is awesome simply because…

of the family I have there. Since coming to George Mason, I fell in love with Fairfax, VA, the area and all the opportunities here… But the one thing always bringing me back to Cincinnati would be my family.


At school, you can find me…

in Zeta Tau Alpha! In addition, I’m in Order of Omega, an honor society for Greek Life. I play intramurals including Flag Football and Soccer, and I am in the Honors College at George Mason.

The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…

ACCT. While I’m not a huge fan of accounting, it was a class that I really grasped and excelled in. My professor loved the subject and genuinely worked with everyone to assure they understood the material and made the class interesting.

My favorite late night study snack is…

trail mix or a cookie dough protein bar.

If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

I would go to the airport, close my eyes and pick a flight. I’d spend my last hours exploring all that I possibly could.

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

the way people see one another. I’d wish that we’d see each other with accepting eyes and as genuine human beings. There’s so much controversy in the world that if we could simply work together, that’d be one less force against us.

I’m going to be MISS COED 2017 because…

I think it would be an incredible experience and chance to promote George Mason for all the opportunities they’ve given me, and simply impact the world in any way I can.