Coastal Carolina is currently on lockdown after a fatal shooting happened off-campus. Here’s everything you need to know about the...
You know what’s amazing about waking up from anesthesia? You can be anyone you want to be without any of... 931483 931484 931485 931486 931487 931488 931489 931490 931491 931492 931493 931494 931495 931496 931497 931498 931499 931500 931501...
We all know when Donald Trump is upset about something — the man is far from shy. Between social media...
Four female University of Georgia students were killed last night in a horrific car crash. The victims were Kayla Canedo,...
No matter how many times those terrifying PSAs tell you not to, people still insist on texting and driving. Who...
Graduation is approaching and you’re probably scared sh*tless. Not only because you have no legitimate plans after graduation, money to...
You probably have no idea who Danielle Knudson is, and if you’re one of those sad people, we feel bad...
When I was an intern in college, I got paid sh*t. Was this because I worked in publishing? Probably, but...
Ted Cruz, one of the few GOP presidential hopefuls left standing, announced that he would make a “major announcement” today...
Earlier today Ted Cruz, a 2016 GOP candidate vying for Donald Trump’s top spot in the race for the Republican...
If you’re good at art, writing, music, or any other hobby typically deemed creative, we have some bad news: you’re...
Listen, we hate One Direction. Are we ever going to show up at one of their concerts? No. Will we...
Getting turned down sucks, especially when it’s by someone you’ve already dated or slept with. That’s a HUGE ego killer!...
The Internet is a weird place. Obviously it can be incredibly helpful — literally anything you need to know is...