Throughout the years of the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, Batman v Superman has garnered a massive cult following. In the wake of...
In case you haven’t heard, a little movie called Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice comes out next week. You...
The world has finally seen Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman--and we like how Vanity Fair sees her, too...
The latest Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice gives a nod to the greats.
Robot Chicken has been on for over a decade, but still remains one of the most criminally underrated comedy shows...
Batman vs. Superman debuted this weekend to the horror of critics. The film got a stunningly low 29% on Rotten...
The more we see about Batman vs. Superman, the more excited we become. Truthfully we first thought it was going...
Surprisingly, he looks like a total bad a**.
There’s not a more successful superhero to ever jump from the comic book pages to the big screen than Batman....
Every superhero has at least one iconic nemesis. Superman has Lex Luthor, Spiderman has the Green Goblin, Captain America has...
Robert Pattinson has been cast as Bruce Wayne / Batman in Matt Reeves upcoming DC film, The Batman, according to...
Despite the fact that the film is very much currently in the midst of pre-production under director Matthew Reeves (War...
Henry Cavill, who has starred as Superman in the DC Extended Universe since 2013’s Man Of Steel, is reportedly stepping...
Batman has become an icon for comic books and heroism over the last decade, capturing the attention of millions of...
After two and a half movies (Batman v. Superman, Suicide Squad, and Justice League), it appears as though Ben Affleck...