How to Keep Your Mac Running Smoothly

Your Mac will be running smoothly after purchase, but just like any other computing device, it may start slowing down or developing other problems over time. This could be due to inadequate RAM or hard disk space, system errors, or incompatibility in software, and much more. Yes, there are many reasons why your Mac could be lagging. Let us highlight some of the common ways to fix them and get your device back up to proper speed. 

Keep your software updated

Your OS and software vendors will often alert you when there are key tools that need a new update. Don’t ignore them! It is imperative to keep applications up to date as it is an excellent way to keep your Mac well equipped, plus you will protect against hackers. Not every new update is good for your Mac device, though. Some new software releases could even have software bugs and other issues that might also affect the performance of your device. Try to read reviews and only accept updates from the software vendor.


  • Try to avoid using software tools from sources you can’t trust. Some tools can be rogue, and this could hurt your speed and security.

Minimize apps and tasks running in the background

Having several tasks and apps running in the background of your Mac can slow your computer. Of course, the more applications you have, the more they will compete for your RAM, CPU, and overheat your Mac. Keep an eye on that especially if you are running heavy apps. 

Clean your Mac

Your Mac will store temporary and junk files that can slow down performance. For example, your Mac uses what is known as a cache to improve your experience in terms of speed. The problem is that over time, they can take up a lot of storage space in your local disk. Now, the more junk files you have, the slower your Mac will be. That’s why you need to keep tabs on that and ensure that it isn’t bloating up your device. You can follow these simple mac cleaning guidelines to help get rid of junk and improve performance. It will not only speed up your Mac but it will also keep your device secure from malicious files. 

Avoid cluttering your desktop and storing unwanted files

Storing documents, folders, and applications on your desktop may seem convenient for you, but the truth is, it will end up slowing your Mac. Well, your computer will use RAM to display these icons on the desktop, and it may also end up eating into your storage space. As an alternative, store your stuff in folders your application in the app folder to enhance the smooth running of your Mac. Also, from time to time, go through your folders and delete files that you no longer need. Removing them will clear up space in the hard drive leading to better performance.

Install antimalware software in your Mac

There is a common myth that Mac devices are not vulnerable to malware like those running on Windows. Don’t fall for these false myths! Well, your Mac is also susceptible to malware. Some of the malware will take up your storage space and other key processes that will slow down the performance of your machine. Additionally, malware increases your chances of cyber-attacks. So, install antimalware software to your Mac to scan and block any malware and virus threats. This will improve the performance of your Mac and prevent malicious attacks

Final word

These are just but a few ways to speed your Mac. We know that an excellent performance will ensure that you have a perfect experience while using your device. So, you shouldn’t forget to do routine maintenance practices on your device to keep it running like a new machine!

Author Bio:- Apart from creating content for Outreach Monks, Garry Dwyre loves hanging out in his home-grown gardens. His expertise lies in the way he connects the real-life problems with solutions offered by nature.

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