Tabitha Duncan Photos: Full Story & Must-See Details

Tabitha ‘Tabby’ Duncan, a 20-year-old Missouri waitress, was fired from her job after she was filmed in a SnapChat video talking about going ‘n****r hunting’. In the video, Duncan can be seen saying the racist comment while drinking a beer and riding on top of a pick-up truck. The 15-second video was posted to Facebook on Sunday, June 10.
Duncan, who spoke with the NY Daily Newsapple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif;”>said that she was with people she “barely knew” when she used the racist language. The Social Bar & Grill, the restaurant that Duncan works at in St. Louis, confirmed in a statement that it has “immediately terminated” the employee who made the “vile, disgusting and offensive video.” The Social Bar & Grill is located at 4265 Reavis Barracks Road in St. Louis, Missouri. 

“Social Bar & Grill and it’s owners have recently become aware of a vile, disgusting, and offensive video made by one of its employees. Upon learning of this, Social Bar & grill immediately terminated this employee as soon as they could reach her! The incendiary comments made by this employee absolutely DOES not represent the views, opinions, and politics of Social Bar & Grill and it’s owners. Noir will they be tolerated in any fashion. Social Bar & Grill and it’s owners continue to encourage and seek diversity in its restaurant,” the restaurant said in a statement on Facebook.

The Riverfront Times reports that Duncan recently joined the U.S. Air Force and that they are “looking into the matter.” While its not clear where the video was filmed, Duncan lives in Jefferson County.
You can read the United States Air Force’s full statement below:

“We have been made aware of a video online of an alleged reserve Airman who made racially insensitive comments. We are looking into the matter and we appreciate this being brought to our attention. The U.S. Air Force values diversity and inclusion; our Airmen come together to produce an incredible team that can accomplish any mission and overcome any challenge. We believe that our greatest asset is our diverse, innovative and technically-savvy workforce. Our Airmen come from all backgrounds and remarks such as these do not fall in line with our culture. We take incidents like this very seriously and action will be taken upon further investigation as necessary.”

Duncan claims that she is not racist and that she was intoxicated and that she has black friends. “I have black friends, I have black people in my family, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t know that I was being (recorded),” Duncan said.

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