Jon Stewart Has Become The Avatar of the 2017-2018 Knicks Season

Uh, guys, I think the Knicks may have broken Jon Stewart.
It’s no secret that the past few years for the Knicks haven’t been exactly all that great for them. Ranging from off the court controversies (see: Carmelo Anthony‘s entire Knicks tenure) to injuries to just general lack of talent, the Knicks have struggled to compete.
On February 26th, the Knicks suited up against the Golden State Warriors at Madison Square Garden, and things went about how you’d expect them to. The Knicks lost to the defending world champions decisively and, as has become customary for the Knicks this season, left their fans to pour out of the Garden with their heads down in shame. No one else was as disappointed as Jon Stewart, who was caught on camera reacting with absolute disgust and looked like it essentially broke him emotionally.
If you look closely, you can actually pinpoint the second his heart rips in half.

Credit to JaVale McGee who made a hell of a shot, but the Knicks defense did not look good at all on that play.
It didn’t take too long for the image of Stewart in despair to cross into meme territory, and some Twitter users jumped at the chance.
McGee himself took full advantage of Stewart’s anguish. Check out his new Twitter profile pic.
Jon Stewart’s led a pretty good life, he’s an award-winning comedian and writer. He also hosted a little-known television program called The Daily Show for a few years. However, it shows that he is just like the rest of us when it comes to sports. His teams know exactly how to break his heart and absolutely crush him emotionally.
Don’t worry Jon, baseball season is about to start, and it’s not like the Mets have ever disappointed you before!

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