Miss COED 2018 Spotlight: Megan Lange of University of Arizona

Megan is looking forward to spring break, graduation in May, and her 21st birthday.   this semester will be her last as a PINK campus rep but is excited that there is still a lot to do. She was recongized by PINK for throwing the most successful watch party in campus rep history.  Graduating a year early has taught her about growing up fast and she is eager to get started on her career! She has dreams to move to California or NYC after graduation.  You can read along about her exciting life on her blog which she has recently launched.  https://www.megannlangee.com
She is currently interning with a local wedding photographer Laura K Moore Photography doing video and marketing work and having an absolute blast! She also works with the Chandler Service Club. Over break she enjoyed time with friends and family in her hometown.  Coming up she is planning on going to South Carolina for spring break and going to Vegas with her internship.  She is very excited to spend her final semester of college with friends in their PINK palace, and her last semester as a  Arizona Gamma Phi and a Wildcat! Bear down!
Round 2 of Miss COED 2018 kicked off last week! Be sure to vote for Megan and your other favorite girls over on the landing page.

If you are interested in being a Miss COED for next year, head over to the application page to submit a short profile. 

Megan Lange of The University of Arizona


Stay tuned for more spotlights on our amazing Miss COED’s of 2018!


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