Miss COED 2018 Spotlight: Bryna Mead of Central Michigan University

  • @brynamead
Bryna is a marketing intern with Rockstar and the Rockstar Brand Ambassador for Central Michigan University!  She has been planning events for students to sample the new products. This summer she is super excited to be taking part in a merchandising internship with Meijer. She spent her winter break in Florida for a marketing convention.  She is going to Fort Lauderdale for spring break.  She loves to travel and the warm weather! She is super involved in the Kids In Need Foundation through her sorority Phi Sigma Sigma’s philanthropy.
Round 2 of Miss COED 2018 kicked off Yesterday! Be sure to vote for Bryna and your other favorite girls over on the landing page.

If you are interested in being a Miss COED for next year, head over to the application page to submit a short profile. 

Bryna Mead of Central Michigan University

Stay tuned for more spotlights on our amazing Miss COED’s of 2018!

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