National Candy Corn Day 2018 Memes: Best Jokes, Funny Photos & Images

Candy corn had to be one of my favorite candies of the Halloween season. They’re so sweet and sugary. And I was surprised to hear that the running joke for candy corn is that no one eats them and they’re trash. Those people aren’t the voices for candy corn-kind. They’re generalizing the public to an acquired taste demonizing the marginalized candy corn, while using awful stereotypes that hurt candy corn production.
One meme says to throw candy corn in the trash, I say #CandyCornMatters
Welcome to National Candy Corn Day 2017! It’s a time honoring the annual production of 9 billion bits of candy corn to be shipped out to market just in time for Halloween.

The treat was first invented back in the 1880s a Wunderlee Candy Company employee named George Renninger. Goelitz Candy Company was the next organization to produce and sell candy corn, as it has shipped out the tri-colored candies since 1898.
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