When Is The Gambit Movie Coming Out? Gambit Film Release Date

The X-Men comics character Gambit has been a longtime fan-favorite since his debut in 1990. The smooth-talking Cajun has since been seen in a number of recreations from the animated series to the critically-panned 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. In the latter film, actor Channing Tatum had expressed interest in the role of Gambit but was passed over for Taylor Kitsch.
Gambit’s appearance in the film sparked in fans the hope of seeing more of the beloved character on the silver screen. Now, after a long period of waiting, those fans finally have some hope to grasp onto. According to the Hollywood Reporter, a Channing Tatum-starring Gambit film cwill be released on Valentine’s Day 2019.
This film has been in development hell for a few years now, so the announcement of a release date comes as a welcome breath of fresh air for fans.

The Development of Gambit

After the critical flop of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, fans were less hopeful to see a Gambit release. Fans and critics agreed that the writing of that film had been subpar at best, and fans everywhere recoiled at the way the character of Deadpool was mangled. Thankfully, Ryan Reynolds later proved that that could be remedied.
Thankfully, Ryan Reynolds later proved that that could be remedied. Which probably had a lot to do with the Gambit movie getting a solid release date.
In 2013, Channing Tatum expressed his desire to take the role over from Kitsch. Being that he is originally from the New Orleans area and a big fan of the character himself, he felt he could fit the role well.
Then, in 2014, it was announced that a Gambit project was in the works with Channing Tatum attached. The film had a star and a producer but needed studio backing, writers, and a director as well. Fox backed the film and Josh Zetumer was hired on to write it.
In 2015 director Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planets of the Apes) signed on to direct the film. Within months, he dropped the project due to scheduling concerns and differences of opinion over the script. The film struggled for months to find a new director, courting Doug Liman for a number of months, performing rewrites to the script and working around filming schedules, though ultimately Liman decided to pursue different projects.
It wasn’t until just this month that film found a new director in Gore Verbinski, director of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The script has also apparently been overhauled and filming is apparently set to begin in early 2018.

When Is the Gambit Movie Coming Out

As of right now, the release date for the Gambit solo movie has been set for Valentine’s Day 2018.

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