University of Minnesota Has A Group That Bans White And Straight Students From Their Safe Space

The University of Minnesota has allowed a group to exclude/prohibit white and straight students from dropping into their safe space. The school’s Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life hosts an event called “Tongues Untied.” So, if you’re identified as a straight person and/or possess the physical appearance of a “white person,” you won’t be allowed entry.
Tongues Untied,” is a safe space to speak about the impact of sexuality, race and gender, according to Campus Reform. The description for the event reads, “For our allies: we do appreciate your voices and commitment to dismantling racism and homophobia; however, please note that this is a space created for LGBTQIA and/or same-gender-loving people of color.”
I wonder what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would say about this group’s specific racial-enforcement policy. I’m sure the same could be applied for sexual orientation/gender segregation. Let’s see what the King thinks is the best way to judge others…

The Tongues Untied Facebook page says, “If you identify as a queer and/or trans indigenous person or person of color, we welcome you to take part in our discussions.”
It appears as if their idea of promoting progress among particular groups is via segregation tactics targeting skin color and sexual orientation. To these new age segregationists, it isn’t necessarily separate but equal, as Democrat lawmakers of decades past use to characterize their racial policies in the south. But for Tongues Untied, separation means comfort and a superior alternative compared to the status quo environment full of Caucasian and heterosexual individuals intermingling with the lot of the melting pot. For them, segregation gives them an outlet to discuss particular issues they may feel uncomfortable discussing openly in the integrated society.
Looking for the literal definition of segregation? Here’s the dictionary’s definition of the word: “the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart,” and/or “the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.”
Here’s a video of this same group from 2014:

Earlier this year, a “White Privilege Checklist” was found on campus at the University of Minnesota. The statement reads, “I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed,” and “Whether I use checks, credit cards, or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial responsibility.”
Is it also a privilege to carry “the mark of the oppressor” on your skin? Just wondering.
By perpetuating a continued sense of “otherness” within the collegiate community, you are somehow benefiting yourselves?
Enjoy your echo chamber, students!

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