Someone Painted A Frog On Donald Trump's Chin, And Life Is Starting To Make A Lot More Sense

Some say that politicians are reptilian lizard creatures. But Donald Trump always seemed different than the bunch. He never seemed like the ordinary politician. And why is that? It’s because he’s not a reptile like the rest, he’s an amphibian, specifically a frog.
Few things in life go as well as a frog painted on Donald Trump’s face. In both lead images, I can imagine an elongated tongue snapping out of the president’s mouth to catch a delicious fly.
Why hasn’t anyone noticed this phenomenon before? It makes perfect sense.

What’s with the Trump memes?

Better question, what’s the deal with Trump and the media? He says that he’s been treated unfairly and that basically there are news outlets who are out to get him. People literally can’t stop talking about the guy. It seems as if an editorial disdain over Trump has enveloped much of the news and entertainment media, where viewership patterns has caused many journalists to let go of the dignity that comes with objective reporting. I don’t think it’s because these pundits and political commentators or “journalists” really have it out for the man. I think it’s because Trump draws yuge ratings. So, the media people who insult him the most, probably secretly love him for the extra revenue and attention.
I also have a message for the bright-eyed youngster stepping into college for the first time. You’re going to see a lot of people extremely obsessed with this man one way or another. Some people are so upset by this guy that they’ll go into maddened rants about how he represents everything that is wrong on this Earth. Just scroll your FaceBook feed, and I’m sure you’ll find a few gems.
In some corners, mass hysteria has erupted from the election of this orange-toned ham or orange-eyed frog. But if you let The Donald bother you into insanity then he wins and he has you wrapped around his tiny little fingers.

Who painted that frog on Trump’s mouth? And oh yeah, show me the memes!

Alright, alright. Now, we’re back to more pressing matters. Artist Mike Mitchell is the person who drew all those frogs on Trump’s face. Let’s take a look at some of his froggy masterpieces shared through Twitter.




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