University Of Alabama Football Team Eats An Insane Amount Of Food

Back in April of 2014, the NCAA ruled that scholarships would come with unlimited food for student athletes. It’s still total bullshit that the NCAA doesn’t pay the people that generate them an absurd amount of money, but at least this was a step in the right direction.
It’s been reported just how much money Alabama’s athletic program spent on food during the 2015-2016 academic year, and it sounds like student athletes are trying to get fairly compensated through binge-eating, which is a concept that I wholeheartedly support. Alabama spentĀ $838,187 in meals and snacks, with most of that money going towards their football team. That makes a lot of sense, considering that they have the most players on their roster, they are gigantic dudes, and they probably want to eat their feelings after getting chewed out by that dickhead Nick Saban.
Via AL, here’s more details on Alabama’s food expenses.

The Crimson Tide football team accounted for 61.2 percent of the money spent on meals.
The total: $512,656.
Alabama’s men’s basketball team wasn’t far behind in the per-athlete spending. The 12 scholarship players on Avery Johnson’s team got an average of $5,725 per player.
For football, that number was $6,031 per athlete.
These totals don’t account for meals on the road traveling to games.

Sticking it to the man one soft serve ice cream at a time. Keep fighting the good fight, boys.

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