This Guy Proposed At A D-League Game, And Nobody Will Be Surprised If This Marriage Ends In D-Vorce

Sporting-game proposals are tacky and played out,  If you’ve really found your soulmate then you don’t need thousands of people to peer pressure her into saying yes. But at least until now, everyone who’s done them at least had enough respect for their future wife to do it at professional team’s home venue. But this guy reached a new frontier for lameness  by proposing to his girlfriend at a d-league game this weekend.
And it’d be one thing if he did it at a home game for a d-league team in a place with no professional team nearby like, for example, the Sioux Falls Skyforce or the Maine Red Claws. But this dude did it at a Los Angeles D-Fenders game, which is in a city with not one but two professional basketball teams plus an infinite amount of better places to propose. I understand NBA tickets are expensive, but the d-league is literally for guys who just aren’t quite good enough, so to propose there just tells the woman she’s probably in for a life filled with constant disappointment.

And they didn’t even let him do it at halftime, instead squeezing it in after the third quarter. They stop selling alcohol at most sporting events after the third quarter, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to get a few extra drinks in his woman before he popped the question at a d-league game.
Anyway, I hope it works for this guy, but if he doesn’t want his fiance to call the wedding off or d-vorce him down the road then at some point he’s going to have to rectify this by spending the money on either Lakers or Clippers tickets.
(h/t Busted Coverage)


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