'Avengers Vs. Transformers' Trailer: Fans Save Labor Day [VIDEO]

The Avengers vs. Transformers fan-made trailer is here from the fine folks at Screen Rant, just in time to wrap up a summer film season with a Labor Day weekend. It’s pretty cool — but we’re a little reserved about joining the raves, because this was had to be a relatively easy supercut.

There’s a lot of mayhem in Transformers movies, and a lot of mayhem in Avengers movies. It’s not really that difficult to just toss in some Avengers saying things while the Transformers fly around. Also, it’s irritating they couldn’t find a daytime scene for Peter Quill’s token appearance. Still, it’s some big dopey fun, and more enjoyable as a trailer than a 3-hour epic…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgpPmmgTJrY]

Nicki Minaj Shouts Out To Lil Wayne With 'Pinkprint Freestyle' [LISTEN]
Nicki Minaj Shouts Out To Lil Wayne With 'Pinkprint Freestyle' [LISTEN]