Hey Hunter Osborn! You’re a complete idiot.
The 19-year-old student from Mesa, Arizona’s Red Mountain High School is currently in deep sh*t after playing the dumbest prank of all time; Osborn faces 69 counts of indecent exposure after authorities say he flashed his wang in the football team’s yearbook photo. Brilliant!
According to the New York Daily News,
The stiff punishment accounts for each person present at a photoshoot where Osborn let his penis hang out over the waistband of his football pants in the now-tarnished photo obtained by the TV station.
He also faces one felony count of furnishing harmful items to minors.
Osborn defended the brazen stunt to police as a dare by his teammates.
This is the perfect “I don’t give a f*ck what your friends are doing, I care what you’re doing” situation my parents always tried explaining to me when I was in high school. Hey Hunter, if your idiot friends dared you to stab someone in the face, would you do that too?!
To make things even worse, the prank went unnoticed for months and was published in promotional material distributed to guests at football games throughout the year. The NY Daily News insists it was because Osborn’s member was “overshadowed by a sea of red uniforms,” but we’re convinced it was more related to Donald Trump’s little problem.
Not only does this suck for the high school, but it also sucks for Hunter Osborn. At least have something to show off, amirite?
After school officials got their heads out of their a**es and noticed the photo for what it was, they called police and recalled the yearbook. Obviously they were pissed –after all, it was printed 250 times — but students came to Osborn’s defense.
“I thought it was kind of a dumb prank he did,” Zach Anthony told KNXV-TV. “…I don’t think he deserved to have his life ruined.” Yes Zach, that’s very enlightening. Thank you.
Other students showed their support in the form of a petition:
He didn’t put the picture in the yearbook, he didn’t create the page, he wasn’t the editor that approved it, or the teacher responsible for publishing it and distributing it to students. The teacher responsible for the yearbook should be fired. Red Mountain High School is using him as a scapegoat instead of taking any responsibility! Hunter needs to be held accountable for his actions but that doesn’t mean ruining his life! #FreeHunter
Right… because that makes sense…
Hunter Osborn will not face any felony charges.
According to Huffington Post, the case against Hunter Osborn will be dropped after the Maricopa County attorney declined to prosecute the idiotic high school student.
“At this time all parties involved no longer desire prosecution and the case will be closed,” said Steve Berry, a Mesa police spokesman.