#MemeHistory: Best And Funniest Twitter Hashtags

In our humble opinions, #MemeHistory is one of the best Twitter hashtags or trends we’ve seen since the beginning of time. The whole thing was started by Twitter genius @TylerIAm who wisely stated that creating Powerpoint slides for history class would now be super fun because of all the great memes floating around the internet. And just like that, 24 hours of greatness began.
Submissions of #MemeHistory began flooding into @TylerIAm. There are memes, videos, and photos that describe nearly every single aspect of history, but truthfully our favorites are the ones that relate to Biblical times. And while we’re not trying to get into the whole debate of whether or not the Bible is “history” we think you’ll agree they’re the best.
We’ve pulled a collection of some of our favorites from #MemeHistory for you to enjoy below.








LISTEN: 3 Doors Down, Us and the Night Stream: New Album
LISTEN: 3 Doors Down, Us and the Night Stream: New Album