Bill Murray may just be the most awesome human being who ever lived because every story that comes out about him just makes him more and more awesome. He’s super friendly with his fans and creates wonderful memories for them. He shows up at parties and turns the place into a certified event. He just seems like the kind of guy who genuinely enjoys life and has a lot to teach us about how we should all live. His latest escapade features the man and the myth dancing up a storm at his 64th birthday party. [photo: Karl Walter/Getty]
Some videos surfaced of Murray celebrating his birthday at someone’s home in South Carolina. The house is full of people, the music is blaring and standing in the middle of it all is Murray acting like the cool fool that he’s perfected over 40-plus years of doing comedy. The first video feature Murray grinding away to the sounds of DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s “Turn Down for What”...
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And for something that’s (slightly) more age-appropriate, here’s more video of Bill making some moves to Tommy Tutone’s big ’80s hit “867-5309/Jenny”…
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Well, that’s pretty much the most admirable and hopeful video you’ll watch today. We hope that someday that we can be as happy and vibrant as Murray is in his old age. We’re sure that the secret to his vibrance has something to do with finding the right mixture of alcohol and marijuana but that just makes us wish we could become him even more.