We all saw the now infamous US Airways tweet–and for those of you who didn’t, here’s the amazingly NSFW piece of art in all its glory. And yet now we learn that the person responsible for tweeting that instant classic out will not be fired. You see, a company spokesperson has come forward to explain that the picture was “inadvertently shared” by an employee who meant to flag the picture as inappropriate.
Right, right. We here at COED have looked into this excuse before, and the Flag and Reply buttons aren’t really close to each other. We still have to commend the US Airways for coming up with a pretty good excuse. Is the Social Media person closely related to the president of the company? There’s got to be a real reason this person is keeping their job. This flag excuse just isn’t gonna “fly” with us…
Well, good for whoever managed to talk their way out of a real disaster. We have to respect that–but we recommend that the folks at US Airways keep the picture below on their desktop. It’s pretty much the only SFW version that you’ll ever see of their epic Tweet…