This Guy Got 2 DUIs In 1 Night At McDonalds–And More Morning Links

A 31-year-old New Yorker named Zachary Boynton received his first DUI Sunday morning after driving his car into another car at a McDonalds drive-thru. According to our friends over at The Huffington Post, Boynton’s blood-alcohol level was .25 percent, and he was released to a third party after the citation. About 4 hours later, Boynton was back at the same McDonalds and ran his car into the building. After fleeing the scene, authorities tracked him down and dished out a second DUI.
And here are some more intriguing links to kick off your St. Patty’s morning…
•  Home plate umpire wears point-of-view camera for documentary [Extra Mustard]
•  4.7 earthquake hit L.A. this morning [TMZ]
•  Cute girls with glasses wishing you a happy St. Patty’s Day [The Chive]
•  Terminally ill teen gets dream of walking out with Johny Hendricks [Fox Sports]
•  Megan Fox shaking her head [Maxim]

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