Tired of all that propaganda about animals being graceful and loving? We know that your cats and dogs are all cool, but there are way too many pets and other creatures that only exist to cause trouble. Sometimes they’re just making asses out of themselves, or sometimes you get a cat or dog who really needs to screw up things for everybody else.
Things aren’t any better out in the wild, either. All of those foxes and polar bears and other animals that look so cool on the National Geographic Channel are really a bunch of phonies. They totally screw things up for themselves and each other once they think that nobody’s watching.
We’ve been enjoying assorted Olympics wipe-outs from the likes of Yuki Tsubota. Maybe it’s time to give the humans a break and take a look at those filthy animals who can’t handle a simple snow bank, or who can’t do a simple 100-yard dash without slamming their snouts into something that anybody should be able to see. Check out these 16 GIFs of various four-legged screw-ups who have simply given up any sense of competition or human decency. We don’t know what’s wrong with these creatures, but they’re here for our amusement…