Earth Day 2016 Memes: Funny Photos, Best Jokes & Images

While many people see Earth Day as the one day of the year we have to make a real effort to take care of the planet, it first began back in 1970 with the birth of the environmental movement. Whether you celebrate and throw “green” parties every year — complete with recycling sign cupcakes and lime drinks — or you couldn’t care less about making sure that all of your soda cans make it into the recycling bin, Earth Day memes are something you can appreciate. While there’s no particular way you have to celebrate, acknowledging that the day exists for a reason and that the reason is important is the main focus.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day started with an idea from founder Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin. He wanted Americans to focus more on environmental issues. After seeing the 1969 oil spill in California, he bought the idea into national visibility. Ever since, on April 22 Americans have banded together to work towards a healthier environment, including the fights against more oil spills, toxic dumps and factory pollution.

To get you in the green spirit, check out these hilarious Earth Day-themed memes and pictures.

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