Spotify Launches Monthly $5 Package For Starving Hip College Students

Times are always tough for college students and Spotify is making it a little easier on their budgets by offering them a special deal for their streaming music service.
The unlimited music streaming service announced a special “student program” for college students that lets them listen to almost any song they can think of until their ears stop working for just $5 a month. That’s a 50-percent monthly discount for the “Premium” version of its service. That includes the ability to play any song they want rather than just listen to a college of their favorite tunes at random whether they are online or offline and without ads or commercial interruptions. All you need to do is enter your name and school in the special application page and it can automatically confirm your student enrollment.
The coolest part is that the discount lasts as long as you remain a college student. The discount needs to be renewed after a year’s worth of payments and as long as it can confirm your student enrollment, the discount will still be available. Considering how accessible services like Spotify have become and the proliferation of wireless Internet, $60 a year is more than a fair amount of money for all the music you can consume. It’s making us wish we could get a refund for all the money we used to throw away on gas to drive to the record store to buy actual CDs. Hey, that was just a few years ago–before unlimited streaming became the new industry standards for music, movies and television.

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